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Discover Emeralds

with R&G.



Emeralds belong to the mineral family known as beryl which also includes aquamarine, morganite and heliodor. However, the green emerald is the most prized and valuable.

We love coloured gemstones. Together, we demonstrate the beauty of responsibly mined rubies and emeralds.

Zambian emeralds were formed over 500 million years ago.

Since acquiring the Kagem mine in 2008, in partnership with the Zambian government, R&G has pioneered traceability technology; Gubelin´s paternity test, for example, allowa the traceability of emeralds to their source. Today, the mine supplies around one in four of the worlds emeralds.


Smaller sized, high-quality gems are possible because of the stronger structure and richness in colour. The careful process of recovering emeralds by hand at R&G mine has enable the safe recovery of some of the largest and most exceptional emeralds ever found.

Zambian emeralds tend to have a higher iron content than other emeralds, which means they are less fragile, and need fewer trearments and enhancements.

They get their intense green colour from the presence of chromium, iron and beryllium; and they´re usually lacking in vanadium, resulting in a bluish-green, lively and often eye-clean emerald.

The History and meaning
of emeralds.

Jaipur is the major cutting centre for emeralds, where some of the most skilled cutters have their atelier.

The Mughal emperors associated the green of the emerald with paradise, while early christians believed the gems symbolised the resurrection of Christ.

Cleopatra´s passion for emeralds is well documented. She loved the gemstones so much that the first emerald mines in Egypt were named after her (the first known emeralds were mined in Egypt around 1500 BC).


She would present favoured subjects with carved emeralds bearing her prestige and power.

Cleopatra, the Indian Mughal emperors, the Hebrew leader Moses and early Christians all treasured emearlds; some believed that they foretold the future and eased childbirth.

Empires have mided emeralds for thousands of years. In fact, the name of emerald derives from the ancient Persian word for "green gem".





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